RSM Circuit Modelling & Model Generation
User Benefits
- Increased circuit design flexibility
- Speed-up of simulations and reducing simulation effort
- Mixed transistor-system-level circuit optimization possible
- Provides more Flexibility to the designer
Often individual custom circuits will be embedded into larger systems and whole chips and therefore require consistency in circuit and system-level simulation.
For this reason such circuits should be modelled easily to check the circuit behaviour and performances and even statistical influences on the circuits and the whole system. For this reason MunEDA offers its tool RSM (Response Surface Modelling) as part of the WiCkeD tool suite.
Features of WiCkeD RSM
- Creates response surface models of circuit performances with respect to parameters
- Numerous Modeling Types: Latin Hypercube, Polynomial, RBI Radial Basis Functions, ARBI, PolyRBI, Cubic RBI, a.o.
- Models can be used inside WiCkeD with other analyses and optimization modules
- Models can be written in Verilog or VHDL format
- Operating conditions can be considered
Applications of WiCkeD RSM
- Simulation of arrays of similar blocks
- Complex circuits with cross-coupling effects
- Simulation of parasitic extracted views
- Block wise transistor level optimization together with Verilog models

RSM with Design Parameters

MunEDA WiCkeD – Technology Support
- WiCkeDTM & SPT Design Tool Suites
- Integrated into standard design environments
- For more information and support contact www.muneda.com

IMST at MUGM MunEDA User Group Meeting 2023
“We successfully ported and optimized a 3rd Order Multibi Sigma Delta ADC from 22nm to 55nm with MunEDA circuit migration and verification tools”
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